Get on your bike

Why not hire one of our Trek Mountain Bikes to explore the local area.
We also have a range of family karts available for on-park adventures. Hire charges are shown below

Kart hire charges

4 Seater Family Kart: £16.00/hour
Go Kart: £10.00/hour
Junior Go Kart (6-8yrs): £10.00/hour
2 Seater Chopper: £10.00/hour

*Prices subject to change, subject to availability. We reserve the right to refuse hire at the manager’s discretion. A deposit of £10 per kart is required. 

Bike hire charges

Adult: £10.00 (1 hour) £15.00 (4 hours) £25.00 (8 hours)
Kids: £5.00 (1 hour) £10.00 (4 hours) £15.00 (8 hours)

*Prices subject to change, subject to availability. We reserve the right to refuse hire at the manager’s discretion. A deposit of £25 per bike is required. 

The Hire shop is open 9.00-5.00 daily.